VISION - "Accelerate the growth of our client's property portfolio"
MISSION - "Be the company of first choice in delivering excellent town residences"
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Professional Services Disclaimer
In the delivery of development management and advisory services, 2ORMORE and its associated entities specifically excludes responsibility for property valuation advice, financial or property investment advice, provision of advice in relation to the raising or syndicating of capital for property development projects, advice relating to tax implications for any property development or financial investment, advice relating to legal contracts or agreements, assessment of costs associated with acquisition and construction of a property development project, and responsibility for construction coordination that is the responsibility of a construction contractor. 2ORMORE and its associated entities are not a legal advisor, valuer, financial planner, architect, accountants, quantity surveyor, or construction contractor.
Financial Model Disclaimer
2ORMORE and its associated entities does not warrant the correctness of any of the Information contained in Models issued by the company. 2ORMORE and its associated entities is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by any person relying on any of the information or any representation, warranty or statement made by or on behalf of 2ORMORE.
Estimates and forecasts derived from Models will always be subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies. Accordingly, 2ORMORE and its associated entities does not represent that estimates or forecasts derived from Models will actually be achieved or that the assumptions, variables and other inputs used in Models are reasonable, reliable or accurate. The Client should make its own investigations and enquiries regarding the uncertainties and contingencies which may be relevant to its analysis of the Project and the impact that any change in any assumptions, variables or other inputs may have on the Project.